Head Spa
Price from $100 ~
Head Spa Process
1. Oil massage and steam towel Improves blood circulation in the scalp and lifts out dirt and grime.
2. pomegranate spirit carbonated shampoo (This is a natural shampoo containing charcoal and 5 plant extracts. It adsorbs dirt on the scalp, removes sebum, and promotes blood circulation. Moisturizing ingredients prevent the scalp from drying out and help create an environment conducive to hair growth. It is an excellent product with high cleansing power and reduces hair damage). Cleaning with
3. head soak with carbonated water (Features) It improves blood flow from the forehead to the entire scalp, which is effective for tired eyes. If you have an itchy scalp after coloring or perming, it may be caused by residual alkali from the chemicals. It is also effective in removing residual odor after perms. It also improves blood flow to the entire head and removes lipid peroxide from the pores of the scalp, making the scalp one tone brighter. ?It also removes oxidized lipids, thus reducing the smell of aging.
4. scalp treatment and steam towel Natural ingredients are used to condition the scalp, and the aromatherapy action refreshes the mind and restores the natural strength of the scalp by providing plenty of moisture to damaged hair. White peat from Dead Sea mud adsorbs and removes dead sebum and dirt blocking pores.
(Home care product is also available for sale shampoo$ 36, Scalp treatment $24,)
1.オイルマッサージ・蒸しタオル 頭皮の血行を良くし、汚れを浮き上がらせます。
4.頭皮トリートメント&蒸しタオル 天然成分で頭皮のコンディションを整え、アロマテラピー作用で気分をリフレッシュし、傷んだ髪にたっぷりの潤いを与えて頭皮本来の力を取り戻します。死海の泥の白泥炭が毛穴をふさいでいる古い皮脂や汚れを吸着して取り除きます。